5 Credits
Course duration is estimated at 3 hours
This course is designed to introduce attendees to the process that clarifies the government’s requirements for both competitive and non-competitive bids. With rising competition, more and more private sector organizations are using Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Public and private sector businesses request responses to RFPs in order to compare different vendors and evaluate different options to ensure they are receiving the best available solution.
As a small business doing work with the government, you’ll be responding to solicitations. A solicitation is an often complicated document (or set of documents) to which you develop a responsive proposal. On the competitive side, these documents are government-issued and often are identified by their form number (i.e. SF 33 or SF 1449). On the No-Bid Side, the response is focused more on capabilities because the price is already determined.
When it comes time to respond to a solicitation or bid, you’ll want to be ready because an effective and competitive response is critical to award. At the end of this course, attendees will be able to maneuver the appropriate response process needed to be awarded or win a bid.